Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 5 • Air Date: Feb 03, 2025Cowboy Challenge: Top Hand Competition
Rex Buchman and Matthew Jobe host the Annual Flint Hills Ranchin Adventures "Cowboy Challenge: Top Hand Competition". This is a three-day event where riders compete for the Flint Hills Top Ranch Hand in the Flint Hills of Kansas.
Episode 2 • Air Date: Jan 13, 2025Color Breed CongressBetter Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 52 • Air Date: Dec 23, 20242023 Color Breed Congress
Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 45 • Air Date: Nov 04, 2024International Liberty Horse AssociationBetter Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 38 • Air Date: Sep 16, 2024Missouri State FairBetter Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 35 • Air Date: Aug 26, 2024Palomino World Show / Stable Strides FarmBetter Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 32 • Air Date: Aug 05, 2024Pinto Horse Association of America IIBetter Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 28 • Air Date: Jul 08, 2024Pinto Horse Association of AmericaBetter Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 24 • Air Date: Jun 10, 2024American Royal in Kansas City IIBetter Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 23 • Air Date: Jun 03, 2024Dan James / Dana Hokana / Craig CameronBetter Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 21 • Air Date: May 20, 2024The Golden Circle Horse Show CircuitPresident Janice Klenke of The Golden Circle Horse Show Circuit gives us an overview in horse event planning with the attributes of an Open Show. Next, Vivian Mallory from Warrensburg, MO is in her second show in Halter Showmanship and Western Pleasure. Hear Michelle Barth's comeback story about...
Episode 18 • Air Date: Apr 29, 2024Road to the Horse 2024Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 15 • Air Date: Apr 08, 2024Kerry Kuhn / Ty Murray / Ken McNabbProfessional Horse trainer Kerry Kuhn offers an approach to starting a new horse while building rider horsemanship skills. Ty Murray, nine-time World Champion, and co-founder of the Professional Bull Riders (PBR), discusses the elements of Liberty Horse Assoc. in his western training. Professional...
Episode 9 • Air Date: Feb 26, 2024Trainers Al Dunning & Skye LiikanenBetter Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 6 • Air Date: Feb 05, 20242023 Color Breed CongressBetter Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 4 • Air Date: Jan 22, 2024American Royal in Kansas CityBetter Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 1 • Air Date: Jan 01, 202430th Annual Lawrence Old Fashioned Christmas ParadeBetter Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 50 • Air Date: Dec 11, 2023Episode 50
Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 48 • Air Date: Nov 27, 2023Episode 48Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 45 • Air Date: Nov 06, 2023Episode 45Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 41 • Air Date: Oct 09, 2023Episode 41Aiden Harris competing in the versatility ranch events here at the American Royal. Whiskey Ranch Owner, Jim Mueller raises, trains and rides some of the finest ranch horses in the Midwest. See how six-year amateur rider Ollie Pearl manages the stress of competition. The Babe Standard has everything...
Episode 39 • Air Date: Sep 25, 2023Episode 39The Missouri State Fair Director, Mark Wolfe, and the State Fair Foundation Executive Director, Dr. Karrie Wilson, explain the role the Fair brings to farmers, ranchers, and cattleman. A six-horse hitch team are judged on factors including appearance, conformation and synchronicity. Owner of the...
Episode 37 • Air Date: Sep 11, 2023Episode 37Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 35 • Air Date: Aug 28, 2023Episode 35The Palomino Horse Breeders of America is proud to have Tony Burris acting Chairman. Professional horseman, Justin Brown from Cresson, Texas. Welcome Charlie Pollard, Horse Show Announcer from Oklahoma who is proud to be a part of the 40th Anniversary PHBA.
Episode 32 • Air Date: Aug 07, 2023Episode 32From the Kansas State College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Dylan Lutter vet attending works with a Reigning Show horse "Gunner" on issues they face in keeping athletic horses competitive. Jackson County Sheriff's Mounted Posse hosts their 7th annual "Kansas City Cowboys for Cops" Downtown Trail...
Episode 31 • Air Date: Jul 31, 2023Episode 31The Flint Hills Ranchin Adventures host the third annual Flint Hills "Cowboy Challenge Competition". Riders will contend in a variation of ranching skills, including roping, mounted shooting, herd work, etc. There will be a winner for each four days of competition. In the end only one award will be...
Episode 27 • Air Date: Jul 03, 2023Episode 27Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 26 • Air Date: Jun 26, 2023Episode 26Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 24 • Air Date: Jun 12, 2023Episode 24Professional trainer Scott Rystrom from Trumbull, Nebraska, explains essential techniques in preparing your horse in competition. This week the "Better Cattle" team traveled to the Flint Hills of Kansas to visit with the NextGen Cattle Company. Texas Cowboy hall of famer Craig Cameron explains how...
Episode 22 • Air Date: May 29, 2023Episode 22Introducing Filipe Masetti, the long rider who made a historical equestrian journey and rode 25,000 kms from Canada to Brazil. Next, introducing Angeline Saliceti and her horse "Samson". who has recently been inducted into the Extreme Cowboy Associations Hall of Fame. Welcome Liberty Conningham a...
Episode 20 • Air Date: May 15, 2023Episode 20Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 18 • Air Date: May 01, 2023Episode 18Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 15 • Air Date: Apr 10, 2023Episode 15Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 12 • Air Date: Mar 20, 2023Episode 12Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 10 • Air Date: Mar 06, 2023Episode 10Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 8 • Air Date: Feb 20, 2023Episode 8Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 5 • Air Date: Jan 30, 2023Episode 5Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 3 • Air Date: Jan 16, 2023Episode 3Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 52 • Air Date: Dec 26, 2022Episode 52
Welcome back Darrell Bilke Executive V.P. and COO, of the Pinto Horse Association, an experienced veteran in the equine industry bring a wealth of information to running these outstanding horse shows. Next, Justin & Jamie Stohlman show us operations on their horse training facility called the...
Episode 50 • Air Date: Dec 13, 2022Episode 50Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 47 • Air Date: Nov 21, 2022Episode 47Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 45 • Air Date: Nov 07, 2022Episode 45Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 42 • Air Date: Oct 17, 2022Episode 42Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 40 • Air Date: Oct 03, 2022Episode 40Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 37 • Air Date: Sep 12, 2022Episode 37Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 35 • Air Date: Aug 29, 2022Episode 35Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 32 • Air Date: Aug 08, 2022Episode 32Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 30 • Air Date: Jul 25, 2022Episode 30Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 28 • Air Date: Jul 11, 2022Episode 28Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 23 • Air Date: Jun 06, 2022Episode 23Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 20 • Air Date: May 16, 2022Episode 20Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 19 • Air Date: May 09, 2022Episode 19Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 18 • Air Date: May 02, 2022Episode 18Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 15 • Air Date: Apr 11, 2022Episode 15We begin with Professional horse trainer Phil Haugen ""Be Your Best Horsemanship"" demonstrates and explains training through understanding. Heading down to the flint Hills of Kansas, Matt Jobb describes the tying up your horse safely on a high line. Rapping up the show with world class clinician...
Episode 14 • Air Date: Apr 04, 2022Episode 14Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 13 • Air Date: Mar 28, 2022Episode 13Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 12 • Air Date: Mar 21, 2022Episode 12Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 11 • Air Date: Mar 14, 2022Episode 11From Weatherford Oklahoma, world class horse trainer Phil Haugen "Be Your Best Horsemanship" demonstrates how to advance in a snaffle bit. Rachel Kruse instructor and the professional rider for "Two Bit Training" in Kansas will explain the Hunter/Jumper sport and how it is made up of two...
Episode 10 • Air Date: Mar 07, 2022Episode 10Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 9 • Air Date: Feb 28, 2022Episode 9Better Horses focuses on someone who believes in the western way of life. Committed to raising a family, and hosting rodeos, Sarah Montgomery, owner of the Missouri-based Kleinschmidt's Western Store talks about competition and the business in gearing up todays Cowboy and Cowgirl. Kerry Kuhn an...
Episode 8 • Air Date: Feb 21, 2022Episode 8Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 7 • Air Date: Feb 14, 2022Episode 7Three top horse trainers come to Better Horses in today's episode: Kerry Kuhn teaches "Breaking at the Withers", Martha Josey teaches "Saddle fitting your horse", and Phil Haugen teaches "The Horses thought process".
Episode 6 • Air Date: Feb 07, 2022Episode 6Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 5 • Air Date: Jan 31, 2022Episode 5Oklahoma's World class trainer Phil Haugen "Be your best" horsemanship explains the "horses turning process". It's a simple, practical approach that emphasizes trust and understanding between horse and rider. Craig Cameron one of this country's most recognized horsemen is back on Better Horses. ...
Episode 4 • Air Date: Jan 24, 2022Episode 4Better Horses trails down to Tulsa, Oklahoma to attend the "Color Breed Congress". This will highlight the Pinto Horse Association (PtHA) which has evolved through the years and now has three separate registries: the Color Registry, the Solid Registry, and the Long Ear registry. All equines, no...
Episode 3 • Air Date: Jan 17, 2022Episode 3Better Horses begins with a trip down to Arizona, World class reining trainer Al Dunning will explain training techniques in cutting horses with an Mechanical cow. National champion NBHA, AQHA and Cowgirl hall of famer Martha Josey has joined the Better Horses family to give Barrel racing pointers...
Episode 2 • Air Date: Jan 10, 2022Episode 2Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 1 • Air Date: Jan 03, 2022Episode 1The Better Horses TV production crew wrangled down to Weatherford, Oklahoma to visit with Professional horse trainer Phil Haugen as he talks about "Creating timing in your Stop". Better Horses caught up with Brink Brewster an ace high farrier who speaks about hoof anatomy and caring for horses...
Episode 39 • Air Date: Dec 20, 2021Episode 39
Better Horses delivers a Holiday Special with the 28th Annual Lawrence Old Fashion Christmas Day parade in Lawrence, Kansas. Over 300 horses of all breeds come out to celebrate this exciting tradition.
Episode 38 • Air Date: Dec 13, 2021Episode 38Professional trainer Kerry Kuhn demonstrates the proper way to ride one handed. The Machine Shed Arena located mid-Missouri explains cattle sorting. Laurel Walker Denton an AQHA and NRCHA judge explains correct horse tack for competition. Rapping up with another Hearty Grub.
Episode 37 • Air Date: Dec 06, 2021Episode 37Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 36 • Air Date: Nov 29, 2021Episode 36Professional horse trainer Phil Haugen demonstrates one of most important ingredients in riding. "Collection when riding your horse". Then we head over to Medicine Lodge, Kansas as Kerry Kuhn shows the importance in "Moving out your horse" when training a young horse. Finally our own Ernie Rodina...
Episode 35 • Air Date: Nov 22, 2021Episode 35Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 34 • Air Date: Nov 15, 2021Episode 34Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 33 • Air Date: Nov 08, 2021Episode 33Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 32 • Air Date: Nov 01, 2021Episode 32Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 31 • Air Date: Oct 25, 2021Episode 31Welcome international World Champion Colt Starter, a multiple time Freestyle Reining Champion ~ Dan James. Al Dunning returns with new tips in horse confirmation as Craig Cameron shows how to properly desensitize horses. Rapping up trainer Cal Middleton and with insights on training.
Episode 30 • Air Date: Oct 18, 2021Episode 30Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 29 • Air Date: Oct 11, 2021Episode 29Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 28 • Air Date: Oct 04, 2021Episode 28Better Horses TV is a magazine style program that focuses on the equine industry including clinicians, shows, competition and events.
Episode 27 • Air Date: Sep 27, 2021Episode 27Join world class reining horse trainer Al Dunning as he explains the proper way to stop your horse. Better Horses highlights the Show Me Christian Youth Home Horse Therapy for kids. Kerry Kuhn shows us tips in trail riding up and down hills. Rapping it up with another Hearty Grub.
Episode 26 • Air Date: Sep 20, 2021Episode 26Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 25 • Air Date: Sep 13, 2021Episode 25Better Horses begins with Kansas Clinician Kerry Kuhn; one of the brightest clinicians in the industry today with more than 30 year experience with horses, Kerry going to show us the benefits of breaking at the withers. Riding down to Texas to the Josey Ranch as the legendary Martha Josey and her...
Episode 24 • Air Date: Sep 06, 2021Episode 24Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 23 • Air Date: Aug 30, 2021Episode 23Better Horses showcases an NFL Legend, Terry Bradshaw. The Bradshaw Quarter Horse Ranch is located in Thackerville, a small town in southern Oklahoma. Longtime breeder and Lifetime Member of AQHA, Terry Bradshaw has been an avid horse enthusiast for an impressive 40 years. Since establishing...
Episode 22 • Air Date: Aug 23, 2021Episode 22Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 21 • Air Date: Aug 16, 2021Episode 21Dan James two time international World Champion Colt Starter, a multiple time freestyle reining Champion, a crowd favorite brings lesson #4 in Liberty training. Craig Cameron provides starting points in ground training and understanding your horse. Phil Haugen Inspired by his "1% better everyday"...
Episode 20 • Air Date: Aug 09, 2021Episode 20We ride down to the Almosta Ranch in Arizona to talk to the legendary trainer Al Dunning who been a leader in the horse industry for over 40 years. Welcome back the 3:10 Ranch Life, professional roping cowboys teaching a branding clinic here in Missouri. Finally, we introduce professional horse...
Episode 19 • Air Date: Aug 02, 2021Episode 19Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 17 • Air Date: Jul 19, 2021Episode 17Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 16 • Air Date: Jul 12, 2021Episode 16Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 15 • Air Date: Jul 05, 2021Episode 15Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 14 • Air Date: Jun 28, 2021Episode 14World class reining horse trainer Al Dunning stops by and explains the proper way to stop your horse. Better Horses highlights the "Show Me Christian Youth Home" Horse Therapy for kids. Kerry Kuhn shows us tips in trail riding up and down hills. Rapping it up with another Hearty Grub.
Episode 13 • Air Date: Jun 21, 2021Episode 13Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 12 • Air Date: Jun 14, 2021Episode 12World Champion Freestyle Champion Dan James trains his technique in laying down a horse. Al Dunning educates on horse confirmation. Matt Jobe gives an inside look on how to use horses at a local stockyards.
Episode 11 • Air Date: Jun 07, 2021Episode 11Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 10 • Air Date: May 31, 2021Episode 10Saddle up and head with us to Weatherford, Oklahoma to visit with Professional horse trainer Phil Haugen as he talks about "Backing up your horse". Next we saddle up to help out fellow rancher Ron Poorman who needed spring calves separated from the herd. World class trainer Al Dunning will show...
Episode 9 • Air Date: May 24, 2021Episode 9Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 8 • Air Date: May 17, 2021Episode 8We ride down to Medicine Lodge, Kansas with Professional horse trainer Kerry Kuhn displaying techniques in correcting a buddy sour horse. Join Jenny & Tony Vaught from Florida explaining their trail riding training session. Finally, we settle down to a Hearty Grub steak dinner.
Episode 7 • Air Date: May 10, 2021Episode 7Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 6 • Air Date: May 03, 2021Episode 6The Jackson County Sheriff's Mounted Posse will host the Kansas City Cowboy for cops in a downtown horse parade in Kansas City. Professional Horse trainer Ashley Purdin will demonstrate the art of correcting your horse in leaning and connecting the front feet. Phil Haugen will provide an insight...
Episode 5 • Air Date: Apr 27, 2021Episode 5Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 4 • Air Date: Apr 19, 2021Episode 4Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 3 • Air Date: Apr 12, 2021Episode 3Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 2 • Air Date: Apr 05, 2021Episode 2Horse trainer Ashley Purdin explains how to side pass your horse. Special interview with Wayne and Julie Hall on raising horses. Craig Cameron will display the easy way to tie to a hitching post. Rapping it up with another Hearty Grub.
Episode 1 • Air Date: Mar 29, 2021Episode 1Professional horse trainer Phil Haugen demonstrates one of most important ingredients in riding - "Collection when riding your horse". We then head over to Medicine Lodge, Kansas as Kerry Kuhn shows the importance in "Moving out your horse" when training a young horse. And finally our own Ernie...
Episode 26 • Air Date: Mar 22, 2021Episode 26
Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 25 • Air Date: Mar 15, 2021Episode 25Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 24 • Air Date: Mar 08, 2021Episode 24Craig Cameron walks through soft hands with your horse. Kerry Kuhn joins the show with valuable horses tips and Phil Haugen talks about enjoying the ride.
Episode 23 • Air Date: Mar 01, 2021Episode 23Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 22 • Air Date: Feb 22, 2021Episode 22Trainer Alexis Losey warms up a fresh horse in using a bucking strap. World Famous Horse trainer Jerry Diaz brings in his family displays the history of Spanish riding Charro. Oklahoma horse trainer Phil Haugen displays the benefits of flexible hands.
Episode 21 • Air Date: Feb 15, 2021Episode 21Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 20 • Air Date: Feb 08, 2021Episode 20* NEW * (2021) Brent Wright NRHA Million Dollar Rider displays proper techniques in lead changes. Katelyn Kok USDF Gold Medalist FEI Trainer brings the Dressage training every horse and rider needs to succeed. Susie Derouchey Licensed Professional Counselor and a board member of PHBA Association...
Episode 19 • Air Date: Feb 01, 2021Episode 19Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 18 • Air Date: Jan 25, 2021Episode 18Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 17 • Air Date: Jan 18, 2021Episode 17Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 16 • Air Date: Jan 11, 2021Episode 16Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 15 • Air Date: Jan 04, 2021Episode 15Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 14 • Air Date: Dec 28, 2020Episode 14Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 13 • Air Date: Dec 21, 2020Episode 13Better Horses delivers a Holiday Special with the 21st Annual Lawrence Christmas Day parade in Lawrence, Kansas. Horses of all breeds come out to celebrate this exciting tradition.
Episode 12 • Air Date: Dec 14, 2020Episode 12Enjoy Better Horses top horse trainers - Al Dunning from Arizona, Craig Cameron in Texas, and reining champion Brent Wright from Kansas. They all stop by and give valuable horse tips.
Episode 11 • Air Date: Nov 30, 2020Episode 11Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 10 • Air Date: Nov 23, 2020Episode 10* NEW * (2020) Dan James two time international World Champion Colt Starter, a multiple time Freestyle Reining Champion, a crowd favorite brings lesson #4 in Liberty training. Craig Cameron provides starting points in ground training and understanding your horse. Phil Haugen Inspired by his "1%...
Episode 9 • Air Date: Nov 16, 2020Episode 9Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 8 • Air Date: Nov 09, 2020Episode 8Two time international World Freestyle Reining Champion and multi-discipline trainer Dan James provides liberty training on a horse. Al Dunning operating out of his Almosta Ranch in Scottsdale, Arizona will focus in on a correct turning pattern. Better Horses heads down to Texas at the Big Horn...
Episode 7 • Air Date: Nov 02, 2020Episode 7Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 6 • Air Date: Oct 26, 2020Episode 6Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 5 • Air Date: Oct 19, 2020Episode 5Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 4 • Air Date: Oct 12, 2020Episode 4Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 3 • Air Date: Oct 05, 2020Episode 3Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 2 • Air Date: Sep 28, 2020Episode 2Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
Episode 1 • Air Date: Sep 21, 2020Episode 1Join hosts Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams as they recruit world class horse trainers, clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around the country to better your horse experience.
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